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tv   FOX 45 News at 530  FOX  January 22, 2013 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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druus. officer kendall richburg appeared in a federal courtrrom today...... jeff &pabell has new information on case you saw first on fox, federal prosecutorr authority.... in an indictment we first old you about last week, prosecutors accuse ooficer riihborg of conspiring to distriiute peroin, crack-cocaine and marijuana. richborg appeared before a federal magistrate and charges this morning. - he's worked for thh city 13-years and, most recently, wws paat of aaspecial enforcement unit whicc fights baltimore. today, his - attorney insisted that the appear. (4:25:41) "its kinda difficuut for the officers o play by the rules when their opponent is not." (4:28::4)) "whatever officer richborg engaged in, it wws desiined to get ggns ff the street anddsometime it was
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designed to please the police the city's internal affairs officers worked with the fbi to build theecase against richborg. trral. jeff abell, d - fox 45, nnws at 5:33. policeeneed your help finding the suspecttwho shot two .raynaad boston isswanted for 3 attempted murder.police say he opened firr on a bouncer at the my place bar and lounge on annapolis road... another bar patron was alls hit, bbt both suuvived. anyone with information on boston's whhreabouts should call anne arundel county policee pooice arrest man....who they say murdered his wife. &pthe suspectt.. darrrn ruffii... is accuseddof killinn melissa davis during an argument.police were called to an apartment on east north avenue friday night... where they found davis stabbed to &pdeath.court recordd show assaulting his wife the day before... and was released from jail just hours before
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a police officer assigned to protecting john leopolddsays he rove the county executive for sexual meetings with his t - mistress. as kathleen cairns reports...that wassjust oneeof the allegations that came out during leopold's misconduct trial in annapolis... . 3 (cairnss cpl. howard brrwn teetified for hours.,. he told the judge about his job workingg ecuuity detail for john llopold and said it innolved sex lies and politics. (church bells quick) there are plenty of people poing in and out of the courthouse.. snap hoto weeding quick)but anne arundel county executive john leopold is avoiding the media. hes on trial for misconduct. tuesday another offiicr assigged to leopold's security detail testified saying he ssgns... do background checks -3 on political opponents and &peven empty urine rom leopold's cathader bag. the &pcoofee containerrthe urine wa evidence. "the only thing i as-
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can say bouu the cathader.. to help patient innneed"karra hamnee has a sexual harassment civil suit pending agaanst peopold.""es i do and i think thh testtmony upports that.... people do not say no to leopold"two of leopolds security detail officers have to help eopold arrange sexual rendezvous's with his mistress says employees feared carla prooessiinal rrtaliation.."you can see.. hear the fear.... inner ssecrts that he did not (cairns)"prosecutors say john leopolds actions were illegal were brrken.. so far six - witnesses have testified. in 5;30 police in howard countt are on the lookout for a puspect... who broken into a home... ann stole an urn filleddwith ashes of one faaily'ssdeceased catss cats. it happened about a week agg at a townhome on sweet wind place in colummii. the box similar was to this
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contained the ashhs of two &cat ripken'. &p"im sure thee were ssrprised i would sure like them returned" retuuned.."this is photo of one of the deceaseddcats. anyone with iiforration is asked to all howard county police. &p a man is serioussy pnjurrd in glen burnie house fire..... investigators say was sparred by illegal fireworks. "craigg urban" sent us these photos from tte sccne along meyers poured from the home aturday 3 porningg crews werr able to put ittout before it spread to neighboring buildings ....but thh home is oss. o'malleyis once aggii r wind.surrounded bb enviroomentalists...the gooernor has announced his supportfor a plan to build ocecan city.but as paat of that bill...b.g.e. customers could pay around one-dollar-and-50-centsa month for up to 20-years to help subsidizethe projcet.
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we haae with the technology to wind."a imilar bill failed last year...buttsupporters to getthe meaaure enacted this seesion. hundreds of students are learning what it takes to becomeea table games dealer at maryland's biggest asino at arundel mills. mills. deallr school is underway in glen bbrnie... a 12-week coorse offered by anne arundel communitt collegeemaryland live casino added 12-hundred new jobssaater voters approved expanded gambling.more than half of those new employees willlbe table games dealers... and the casino is payyig for their training..he students will learn everything from money and chip handling to card shuffling and respoosible gaming. . "iq:the beginning is very stuff." right now students are in
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their third week of training. for the course.... about 950 were accepted. super bowl fever is spreading &pfroo t-v hill to sparrow's point... and everywhhre in bbtw. between.paul gessler joins us now from from federal hill... where the ravens want the city to know just how big.. the big this ravens logo has een here on federal hill for eees.but, paint smmll permeating federal - hilllpark.....that's because of paint.ssuer bowl 47's logo is proudly on display for all of baltimore to see. this logo sttnciling didd requirr some hard work... specificallyy hawing out.the
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ppray painters the ravens groonds crew use to paint these logos áfroze upá pverniihh.that delaaed this prrject a ggod two and a half hours...but, eventually, super bowl 47,,new orleans, febuary thiid... was visible for all of baltimore to see. pupposed to bee5 with the wind chilll and, evvn the dog didn't wanttto go to far ttis morning."vahe kazandjian: "this is deddcation to the phhs may very well be the onn and only official super bowl 47 logo ainted in the ity of baltimore.that's because the ravees' grounds crewwis likely headed to new orleanssnext week for the big game. hill, paul gessler, fox45 news 5:30.
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3 3 even though john harraugh thhrees an 8-hundred pound gorrlla in the room.he's facing his own flesh and blood across the field in the super . bowl.for the first time in any majorramerrcan professional sport... brothers gg head-to-head in aachammionship gameebut both john aad jii agree... that's ottthe storr to focus on heree
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01:00::0:38 john: "every story has been told. we're not thaa interestiig..there's nothing mmre to learn. you know the tape across the middle of the pooo story, ok? you got it. like any other family. and i rrally hope the focus is not so much on that. i get ii, and all that, buttit's really about he team."-butt to- 01:00:45:33 jim: "you know two brothers playing in the super bowl and whattthat takes away from thh players and everr moment that you're talking about myself and john, that's less time tte players aae going to be talked " aaout."heading into foxborough sunday... the ravens say they had two items on their agenda: pet rrvenge on last season's endinn... and get ray lewis to the super bowl.bothhare now checkee off heir list.
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how are the roads looking tonig? tonight?carrie peirce has our mapmdot- 95 north of 195mdot- 695 at balt natiooal pikemdot- 83 at shawwn 3 caught on camera... a teenager hit with a spotliiht.where it attentionnneeded for the boy.. coming up. anddww'll show you what's about o jjmp out of this llundy basket... that has thhs video acking up the hits on youtubee
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and according to pc mag... today also marks 40 years... &psincc the supreee court rulin of roe v. wade... which legalized abortion in the u-s. in 1973... the supreme court voted every woman has the riggt to abort her pregnancyy it prompted aanation-wide debate about a mother's rights... which continues to secretary of statt hillary clinton is scheduled to testify on capitol hill tomorrow.lawmakers want to know what she knew aaout the
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&pattack onnthe u-ssconsulate i benghazi thaa left four americans dead... and theyy want more answers. answers.they're... assing for records of instant messages,.../ and... áanythingg.... thaa helpp... explain... dougherty washington. pore than four months after three other americans died ii benghazi ... hillary clinton - herself - must face theetough &pquestionss"i take responsibillty" that's what she told cnn in october...but travel...and then y illnnss, - now, she'll be cross-examined relations committee...and the house foreign affairs committee."i take this very personnlly. we''r going to get to the bottom o it, and then we're goinggto do everything &pwe can to work to prevent it from happening again, and then whoever did this to us to congress: "a full and accurate accounting"... and a plan to
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&pprevent ssch an attackkffom happening again.""what did the president know and whenndid he know it? what wws he doing 3 durinn these attacks? what did the secretary of state know &pbefore,,during and after because the american peoplee john mccain, have been tough on clinton.aad some say an independent investigaaion by has not saaisfied ttem yet.ard - "she neees to be assed about whaa she knee about the deteriorating circumstances in benghaai, did she see the 16 august cable, wassshe inffrmed of the rise of al qaeda mlitia. "that secret cabll, from the state department's regional security officer warred -- he u.s. mission inn benghazi had llmiteddsecurity be able to deffnd itself in case of a ccordinated attack. "the ttxting, the instann messaging, we really need to have a look at that which we
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haaen't seen yet. "some senators claim cllnton's state department has not handed &povee: ""ll ommunicatiins" on peeghazi. othees want to know &pwhat clinton knows about: ...those misleaaing talking points that u.n. ambassador suuan rice used in those seppember 16th sunday talk shows.and why clinton - herself - idn't appear - why: ...only one suspect has been detainee so far.. in tunnsia.and then released. wiil congress give the outgoiig secretaay of state a hard time?"i'm sure she's not highly rrspected by everyone on the committee. "how hillaryy clinton handles herrelf could affect her legacy. a high school wrestleergetss taken down during a match ... but not by aaother wrestler... but by a spotlight. spotlight.michael mccomiih... assuming the wrestling stance on his hands and nees.. and crashing down. the referee and other wrestler
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quickly lift the fixture ... and mccomish walks away. 15- stitches on his foreheadd but he's xppeced to bb okay. 3 an apartment complex crackkng down on ddgs.the extreme measures to make residenns pick uu after their pets. 3 --addlib weather tz--
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a texas partment comppex... goes to exxreme measures... to make residents... pick up after their pets...///. the complex... recently possed aa noticc.../ telling residentt... they needed... to provide... aa.. d-n-a &psample... froo their pet..../ if... any feces ... is it... will be checked for d-n--...
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pnd... the owner... will be whiie... someeowners... admit... tte problem... &p others... say... he idea... is... down right insane. halterman says: "i have no up after my dog every time." //butt to//guyer says: "it's more funny that they actually did that and then it's scary that somebody actually caam up with that idea. idea. &pmanagementtsays so far,... they've only had... policy..../ they become....more and moreecommon. - react to story - - adlbi toss to vytas...
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3 is joe flacccothe reason the
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bruce cunningham eeamines that &pnext in sports...
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tte ravens have gotten a little bii offa break from theerbosss..on monday, john parbaagh said that even though hhsteam wouldn't play this peekend, they would stick to their reguuar schedule, practice on wednesday..buu &pharbaugh's giving them theeda off, with thecaveat that they
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use to to wrap up all he ticket, hoteland llgistics for their familes...come thurrday, it's downnto business business while rayylewis is ggtting most of the pre-super bowl attentiin, joo lacco just may be the reason why they're there...hh has been ablazeein the the hree playoof gaaes, flacco has -thr 8 touchdowns and exactlyyzero interceptions...he's gotten hot at exactly the right time, and he sounds readyfor the pport's biggeet stage.. 3 & ann, as yoo saw at theetoo of the newscast...the nflis this play sunddy night.. patriots quarterback tom brady
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seems to kick the ravensed reed whill sliding...brady hass saii very ittle, and reed basicclly brushed it off..but othee players, including the &pravenn bernard ppllard have callld for an investigation...and today thh nfl says t willexamine the 75-hundred dollars...expect that... he ravens talk about headiig to the bigeasy...and ur prep player of the eekkaward.. 11::0 oo sports unlimited --toss to vytas-- vytaa-- 3 3
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one... feline... is... reaching ////// take a look at this new iral idee... that shows a cattspringing into action... while helpinggwith some dirty laundry. the cct's name isn't mentioned in the video. but some are suggesting it be named "meow ming"... "scotty kitten" or "patrick meeing." that's all for fox45 news at 5:30."family feud" is next. next.and we'll e back tooight for fox45 news at ten -- and the late editioo at 11... 11...we'll see you later. later.
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